Spanish conductor and composer Miguel Ángel Gómez Martínez (*1949) died yesterday, 4 August 2024. At age of thirteen he got the title of piano professor at the Music Conservatory of Granada and at age of seventeen he won the ‘Extraordinary Prize’ in composition at the Music Conservatory of Madrid.[5] 1964 he moved to Madrid and he got the First Class Diploma and the Price of the Conservatory at the final course.

With the March scholarship, Gómez-Martínez continued his studies of orchestra and choral conducting in Vienna under Hans Swarowsky’s direction.

His debut as conductor is dated at Sankt Pölten near Vienna, 1973 and then he conducted in Lucerne and Berlin, where he conducted “Fidelio” by Beethoven. In Spain he made his debut 1975 at the International Music and Dance Festival in Granada.

He was Chief Conductor and Artistic Director of numerous international orchestras: permanent conductor at the Vienna State Opera (1976-1982), Chief Conductor of the Spanish Radio Television Symphony Orchestra (RTVE) (1984-1987), Chief Conductor or the Teatro de la Zarzuela (1985-1991), Chief Conductor of the Euskadi Orchestra (1989-1993), General Music Director of the City of Mannheim (1990-1993), Musical and Artistic Director of the New Finnish National Opera Helsinki (1993-1996), Chief Conductor of the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra (1992-2000), Chief Conductor of the Orquesta de Valencia (1997-2004), General Music Director of the Theatre of Bern (2000-2004), Director of the National Theatre in Mannheim (2004-2005).

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