Der Internationale Tchaikovsksy-Wettbewerb wird auch weiterhin in Moskau und St.-Petersburg stattfinden. Die 15. Ausgabe wird vom 15. Juni bis zum 3. Juli 2015 stattfinden. In der Hauptstadt sollen die Wettbewerbe der Sparten Klavier und Violine ausgetragen werden, während die Cellisten und die Sänger in Petersburg konkurrieren werden. Read More →

Tugan Sokhiev
Photo: Askonas Holt

Der 36-jährige russische Dirigent Tugan Sokhiev wird mit sofortiger Wirkung neuer Musikdirektor des Bolschoi-Theaters und Chefdirigent des Bolschoi-Orchesters in Moskau. Er ist damit Nachfolger von Vasily Sinaisky, der die Position von 2010 bis 2013 innehatte. Read More →

The Jury of the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) announced today the Awards for 2014. Swiss conductor Charles Dutoit, 78, is honored with our Lifetime Achievement Award. One of the most eminent fortepianists of our time, Andreas Staier, is ‘Artist of the Year’, the young French viola player Adrien Boisseau is ICMA’s ‘Young Artist of the Year ». In total seven Special Awards are listed, among them the one for the ‘SWR Symphony Orchestra Baden-Baden und Freiburg’. Read More →

Stanislaw Skrowaczewski
Photo: Toshiyuki Urano

With the lockout of the musicians ending on  February 1st, the Minnesota Orchestra returns to Orchestra Hall with Conductor Laureate Stanislaw Skrowaczewski for concerts February 7th  and 8th  featuring Beethoven’s Third Symphony. The homecoming continues February 14th  and 15th  as Yan Pascal Tortelier conducts Holst’s Planets and the Elgar Cello Concerto with soloist Steven Isserlis. The official season launches later in February with a complete season announcement to follow later this month.

Gewandhaus Leipzig

In Leipzig gibt es Pläne, die städtische Oper, das Schauspiel und/oder das Gewandhaus in eine gemeinsame Verwaltung einzubringen. Laut einem Bericht der Leipziger Volkszeitung erwartet die Stadt davon eine Einsparung von rund einer Million Euro jährlich. Im Februar soll der Stadtrat entscheiden, ob und zu welchen Fusionen es kommen wird. Read More →

Andres Orozco-Estrada

Colombian-born conductor Andres Orozco-Estrada (36) will be the London Philharmonic’s Principal Guest Conductor as from September 2015 on. He will be the successor of Canadian Yannick Nézet-Séguin. Orozco-Estrada is currently music director of the Tonkünstler Orchestra in Vienna, a position he will step down from in 2015. From 14/15 on he will be music director of the Houston Symphony Orchestra and chief conductor of the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra.

Minnesota Orchestra
Photo: Tim Rummelhoff

It might be unexpected, but it’s true: The Musicians and the Minnesota Orchestra Board of Directors have ratified a new collective bargaining agreement for the next 3 years, effective February 1, that brings the lockout of the Musicians after 488 days to a conclusion. The Orchestra’s first concert performances back on stage at Orchestra Hall are anticipated in early February and will be announced shortly. Read More →

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