Victorien Vanoosten

French conductor Victorien Vanoosten has been named first-ever Principal Guest Conductor of the Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra (LNSO).Victorien Vanoosten is the chief conductor and artistic director of the Ensemble Symphonique Neuchâtel since 2019, a position he renewed in 2022 for five more seasons, and music director of the Opéra de Toulon since the beginning of 2024.

Victorien Vanoosten, who grew up in Lille, studied piano with Michel Béroff at the Paris Conservatory as well as conducting in Paris and Helsinki with Esa-Pekka-Salonen, Alain Altinoglu, Leif Segerstam, David Zinman, Peter Eötvös, and Pierre Boulez. In 2016 he won the ADAMI Conducting Competition.



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